Maverick Goes Off-Road in New Mexico
Our New Mexico trip was a success, but it didn’t come without a few bumps in the road.
On day one, we met with our first group: Wilson & Company and Navajo DOT. A lot of great questions were asked about the different ways Maverick could be utilized for their various departments. That’s one of the great things about the Maverick; it can be used in many different ways to collect whatever data you’d like. Highways, sidewalks, rails, bike paths: you name it, Maverick can do it!
After the demonstration, we drove up to Shiprock and Farmington to collect routes specified by the Navajo DOT. We went off-road for most of the collection (gravel, rocks, and sand), but it was nothing the Maverick couldn’t handle!
On day two, we visited our partners at the New Mexico DOT. Our presentation went great, and they were surprised to see such a versatile product. NMDOT wanted some bike paths collected, but a full-sized vehicle wouldn’t fit down the path. We were able to remove the Maverick mount from our vehicle and adapt it to mount onto their UTV. Luckily, our engineer had sent us along with a back up power cord to plug into a car battery, just in case. We mounted the Maverick to the UTV and collected the bike paths, finishing just before it started raining.
As we call an end to our second Maverick tour, we’re very pleased with all of the positive feedback we’ve been receiving.
If you would like to schedule an onsite demonstration near you, please contact