PFES is a data-driven approach to pavement preservation and maintenance. It helps prioritize road maintenance projects by recommending which roads or sections should be repaired and in what order. The recommendations are based on a variety of data inputs, allowing for a cost-effective and credible model for pavement preservation.
The plan is structured around recommended programs (major, minor rehabilitation, preservation) and projects to be completed over a 3-year period.
What Can PFES Do?
Provide critical coordination among department staff, identifying specific preservation treatments and costs per year.
Assist with developing a communication tool for the public, contractors, and government officials.
Give planners a tool to manage roads by dividing the routes into individual sections, with each section having its own trackable history.
Allow a highway department to systematically review all sections and strategically plan for their maintenance. Each section has a specific recommended program based on the existing pavement distresses, proposed treatments, quantifiable benefits and costs.
Develop a “3-year plan” to help department staff prioritize different sections that can be reported for the entire agency, a specific district, treatment, or condition.
PFES provides a space where data can be linked together for collaboration efforts and data transparency throughout the agency.
PFES combines pavement data, surface area calculations, traffic data, and construction costing information, allowing the data to be shared within a single group or even between groups.
PFES provides an accessible view of data while allowing users to drill down for details since roadway condition tables can have close to 80 fields and tens of thousands of rows per collection year.
PFES summarizes data into a number of straightforward graphical representations of road condition, traffic volume, treatment recommendations, and estimated costs to provide answers to fundamental questions anticipated by an agency.
PFES aids the customer in validating their funding requests.
PFES quantifies the area in need of repair, the cost for selected treatment, and the benefits of recommended preservation, giving staff the ability to know where to allocate the first and last pavement preservation dollar and the expected performance.