Mandli's Network-Wide Asset Solution

With a 100+ meter range and <2cm at 25m accuracy, Mandli Communications can identify and evaluate more than 60 unique road and highway assets for cities, counties, and state Departments of Transportation (DOTs).

Mandli is able to provide all relevant information (pavement condition, asset type, asset attributes, GPS location, imagery, etc.) in a single dataset. While pavement and other asset data is often acquired by one transportation division, asset attributes can be valuable for staff in other divisions if the information can be shared across departments.


Over the years, Mandli has found that different transportation staff make use of the asset attribute data we provide in different ways:

  • Safety – Delivered data is used for safety improvement programs and analysis. Accurate locations and attributes of lanes, intersections, and pavement stripes are critical for crash data analysis and are one of the first things reviewed when there is a crash.
  • Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS)– Responsible for coordinating the intersection, staff need accurate lane configuration data, pavement message condition and location data, and intersection data for traffic signal coordination, preemption for ambulances, fire trucks, snowplows, and other municipal vehicles.
  • Maintenance– Accurate attribute data is needed to develop an effective long-term maintenance strategy. A complete data set provides attributes for paint striping and pavement message assets and for the physical condition of lane material to help develop effective pavement preservation and management plans.
  • Design– All attributes of an intersection are necessary when re-designing to improve safety and reduce congestion. Design groups need all aspects of lanes and intersection as-builts to incorporate into their current and future designs.
  • Asset Management– Pavement is the most valuable asset and lane, intersection, and paint stripe information is necessary to help manage MAP-21 and FAST Act initiatives and other safety improvement programs.
  • Pavement– Location, type, and description of all assets placed on pavement is necessary information for staff. Lane width specifically helps staff calculate the pavement area for costing preservation, maintenance, and improvement projects.
  • Structures– Location and control type information can help staff involved with structural support for intersection signals.
  • HPMS Coordinator– HPMS reporting requirements need a complete dataset. Required attributes for lanes include managed lanes (e.g., HOV), peak lanes, turn lanes, lane width, and directional through lanes. Required attributes for intersections include signal type, percent green time, and the number of intersections that are signalized, stop sign controlled, and Other controlled.

For more information on how Mandli can customize a solution to fit your agency's needs, please reach out to one of our representatives.


2655 Research Park Drive  |  Fitchburg  WI  53711 

(42.999149° N,89.427252° W)

(P) 608-835-3500 (P) 608-835-3500
(F) 888-545-2214